Enter your email & we’ll send it to your inbox. Plus, get great new recipes from us every week! By submitting this form, you consent to receive emails from Hurry the Food Up. I’m the first to admit I get bored by breakfast. More than bored, frustrated. I know I need to eat it, I know I want to eat it – but I look around the kitchen and all I see are foods I’ve eaten a million times before. They might be healthy, but if I don’t eat them, they’re not going to do me much good, are they? So when bulgur porridge came along – the same bulgur we know from salads and lunches, I was sceptical. We love experimenting, and we love it when things go right. This bulgur porridge has gone right. So fantastically right. Actually, this recipe is a bit of a social networker when it comes to the food world. See below…

Why do we love bulgur porridge?

There are many reasons, and four truly stand out.

Anything else?

I’ve recently taken to adding chia and flax seeds to my bulgur porridge as well. The Western diet can be shockingly low in omega 3s – and it’s real brain food. This is a really easy way to raise our omega 3 levels. You might have skipped past everything I just wrote about why this bulgur porridge is so healthy. And if you have – no matter. There’s just one or two more things to know – this breakfast is super-tasty, and super-quick. For me, breakfasts will never be the same again. Please note that sometimes ‘bulgur’ is referred to as ‘bulgar’ but it’s the same thing 🙂

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