Enter your email & we’ll send it to your inbox. Plus, get great new recipes from us every week! By submitting this form, you consent to receive emails from Hurry the Food Up. Broccoli is just too awesome to deny it any longer. Firstly it’s a nutritional powerhouse with many proven health benefits, and secondly, as veggies go it’s relatively high in proteins (2.8g/100g). For that reason our vegan broccoli salad suddenly becomes attractive to any vegetarian (or vegan) who doesn’t want to skip the chance of grabbing a few more grams of proteins when they eat their veggies (me, for example). I mean we all want to make our gym efforts count, don’t we?! My after workout “snack” often consists of this broccoli salad with brown rice (or one of these yummy vegetarian post workout recipes!). It’s a really tasty way of restoring energy levels. You can also prep the salad as a side to your regular lunch or dinner to make sure you get in enough veg for the day (aim for at least 5 servings of veg/fruit a day). For some unknown and inexplicable reason, broccoli has a bad rep with children. Which is weird when you think about it, as broccoli are basically just little trees. And we’re pretty sure kids love trees. Maybe this is because we’re normally just way too uninspired to make broccoli fun. Yep, you read that right – I just used “broccoli” and “fun” in the same sentence. As this recipe is here to prove to you. A few verbivores out there might rail and rally at us for claiming this is a salad even though the broccoli is fried/sauteed for a few minutes. We’ve checked and the Oxford Dictionary states that a salad can consist of cooked veggies too. Therefore I’m right. Ha! Apart from that, raw broccoli is hardly fun to eat anyway (I challenge you to show me a good raw broccoli salad recipe).
Health Benefits – Vegan Broccoli Salad
Guys, forget goji berries, acai berries and all that stuff. Broccoli is the real powerhouse! One cup contains way more than 100% of your daily vitamin C and K needs, plus a whole host of other essential nutrients (1). That’s amazing!! Also, due to its floret of nutrients (get it?) broccoli is considered to be anti-inflammatory, detox supporting and cancer preventing (2). All in all, broccoli is a really cool veg that’s worth including in your diet regularly. There’s a reason your mother always told you to eat your greens. Get a tasty broccoli salad recipe under your belt and you’ll be good to go. Maybe start with this one 😉
More Broccoli Recipe Ideas
If you don’t mind cheese and love crispy, salty broccoli, then please try out this parmesan roasted broccoli recipe! It’s wonderful! Just make sure to find rennet free parmesan or use a similar veggie friendly cheese. Need a complete and comforting dish? Try our cheesy broccoli casserole. We also have a vegan version, check it out here!